I’ve resolved that what I’m really looking for in a web site is a blog.
I wanted the site to do the following things:
- allow me to publish blog posts, which I was already doing with WordPress
- allow me to publish the occasional article, which I seem to have little time or inclination to do, so I ditched Drupal
- allow me to publish photos, for which I’m currently using Picasa Web Albums
I’m maintaining my own site on my own server for the following reasons:
- Blogger was too slow to load on many of the networks I experimented with
- WordPress has more features than Blogger.
- WordPress is open source, and I can learn about this nifty piece of software by running it myself.
- I had already moved my mail services off of Gmail and onto my rented server, and wanted to consolidate my web services there as well.
- I love messing with a Linux server in my spare time.
We’ll see how far this Intel Celeron 2.53 GHz machine with 1GB of RAM will get me.